

pyslk is available on Levante in the module python3/2023.01-gcc-11.2.0 (pyslk version 1.9.5) and in python3/unstable (pyslk version 2.0.0).

If you want to use pyslk in a personal conda environment on Levante, please have a look for the conda package further below.

DKRZ Jupyter Hub#

If you never used the DKRZ Jupyter Hub instance, please have a look into the documentation of this service to learn about the first steps: https://jupyterhub.gitlab-pages.dkrz.de/jupyterhub-docs/ .

common usage: using an existing kernel#

Note from 2022-09-19: the default kernel mentioned below currently does not provide slk support. This will be fixed soon.

Please use the kernel Python3 (based on the module python3/2023.01 or python3/unstable) to have pyslk and slk available.

expert usage: set up your own kernel#

If you want to run your own kernel, slk has to be available (pyslk just calls the command line interface slk) and you need a Python environment with install pyslk.

The PATH environment variable has to be set appropriately in order to make the slk available. E.g. do this first:

module load slk slk_helpers

You can then create your own kernel via”

python -m ipykernel install --name slk --display-name "hsm kernel" --env PATH $PATH --env JAVA_HOME $JAVA_HOME --user

Please note that the path of module might change when the module tree on Levante is re-created. If you experiance any issues which seem to be related to non-existing files, please re-created your kernel.

Download and Installation#


pyslk is no stand-alone-package. Instead, pyslk needs the command line interfaces slk and slk_helpers to be installed. slk is only available on selected systems at DKRZ and not available for download.

PyPI/pip package#

The installation requires the following dependencies

  • >= python 3.9

  • >= slk 3.3.76 (>= slk 3.3.90 recommended; no Python package but and CLI on Levante)

  • >= slk_helpers 1.12.0 (>= slk_helpers 1.12.10 recommended; no Python package but and CLI on Levante)

  • pandas

  • psutil

  • tenacity

PyPI/pip package#


Install downloaded version:

pip install pyslk-2.0.0.tar.gz

Install latest from package repository:

pip install pyslk -U --extra-index-url https://gitlab.dkrz.de/api/v4/projects/1848/packages/pypi/simple

Conda packages#


Install one specific version:

# downloaded file
conda install --offline  pyslk-2.0.0-py311_0.tar.bz2

Other releases#

Several releases from version 0.3.3 onwards are available via a GitLab Package Registry (login with DKRZ account required):


pip install pyslk -U --extra-index-url https://gitlab.dkrz.de/api/v4/projects/1848/packages/pypi/simple