Welcome to pyslk’s documentation!

Welcome to pyslk’s documentation!#

pyslk is a python wrapper for the command line interface of StrongLink, the software of the HSM tape archival system at DKRZ. pyslk wrapps two command line interfaces, slk for basic interaction with the tape system and slk_helpers which serves as a DKRZ specific extension of slk.

This wrapper is compatible with slk versions >= 3.3.21 (recommended: >= 3.3.90) and slk_helpers versions >= 1.12.0 (some functions won’t work; recommended: >= 1.13.0).


The installation requires the following dependencies

  • >= python 3.8

  • >= slk 3.3.21 (>= slk 3.3.90 recommended)

  • >= slk_helpers 1.12.0 (>= slk_helpers 1.13.0 recommended)

  • pandas

  • psutil

The package can be installed via pip:

pip install pyslk -U --extra-index-url https://gitlab.dkrz.de/api/v4/projects/1848/packages/pypi/simple

Indices and tables#